AKE | SKABE Assuring Integrity and Safety
Consultancy for political and security risk and crisis management
Contact usWho we are
AKE | SKABE GmbH is a German consultancy for political and security risk and crisis management founded in 2011. AKE | SKABE founded the subsidiary AKE UKRAINE LLC in 2024 to optimise operations in Ukraine, particularly in the context of international support for reconstruction.
AKE | SKABE offers robust risk mitigation tailored to the client's business needs and commercial objectives, from policy support to comprehensive protection.
AKE | SKABE's mission statement
We support our client to maximise their commercial operations by protecting the integrity of their operational environment, while securing their business needs and ambitions.
Contact us for tailor made solutions for your task and company via info@ake-skabe.de
Intelligence-led and experienced, employing a team of crisis management specialists, AKE | SKABE works with the client to identify the risks confronting commercial operations, and implements effective strategies to mitigate those risks. Ultimately, these strategies give the client as much control as possible over their operational environment, with duty of care applied as an enabling benefit rather than as a potential liability.
Our security strategy involves three distinct phases of Mitigate, Monitor and Manage.
Based on our intelligence-led risk analysis and threat assessment, AKE | SKABE constructs a risk mitigation plan in cooperation with the client. This plan can include safety and awareness training, the development of security plans and procedures, and contingency plans for all possible scenarios.
Circumstances and risks change over time in dynamic and often turbulent operational environments. AKE | SKABE monitors the situation to be alert to any change, updating and ready to revise plans appropriate to the threat level.
While the main task is risk mitigation to achieve as much control over the operational environment as possible, contingencies must be made in readiness for situations in which control is temporarily compromised. This is why AKE | SKABE puts into practise a rigorous crisis management system, the purpose of which is to enable regaining control as quickly as possible and minimising impact.
Speciality — Media Safety Experts
AKE | SKABE GmbH has a deep understanding and many years of experience in facilitating media working in difficult environments worldwide, including TV teams and investigative journalism. AKE | SKABE's experts have supported journalists in war and disaster zones such as Ukraine (since 2014), Burkina-Faso, Haiti, Iraq, Libya, Nagorno-Karabakh, Kenya, Nigeria, Syria, Turkey, Vanuatu, Yemen or Zimbabwe. In August 2021, AKE | SKABE evacuated journalists from Afghanistan via Kabul Airport. AKE | SKABE is a registered provider of equipment, support and safety training for journalists with the International News Safety Institute and was a sponsor of the Prix de Bayeux for War Correspondence in 2023.
For bespoke media safety solutions please contact us at
info@ake-skabe.de or download our media safety flyer
AKE | SKABE GmbH works cooperatively with clients to design and deliver the most effective risk mitigation strategies based on expert intelligence that empowers the client, ensures maximum control over the operational environment, protects business needs, and enhances operational sustainability.
Contact us for tailor made solutions for your task and company via
info@ake-skabe.de or +49 (0) 2173 – 265 42 35
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